Trenchless technology

Trenchless technology consulting is a core competence of the firm. We have been involved as consultants on a number of pipe jacking and horizontal directional drilling projects including large diameter pipe jacking projects in dense urban areas, railway crossings, directionally drilled services diversions under motorways, and small diameter microtunnelled water and waste water pipelines under roads, railways, and waterways. Dr Ciaran Reilly completed a PhD on the topic of skin friction stress reduction using lubricants in pipe jacking or microtunnelling in 2013 and has published widely on the topic.

Services offered include:

  • Permanent works design: scheme development and feasibility studies, pipe alignment design, pipe structural design.
  • Temporary works design: settlement predictions, jacking force estimation, shaft design.
  • Third party checks (CAT 3 checks).
  • Research and development projects.