A new paper co-authored by Ciaran Reilly of Ciaran Reilly & Associates and Fintan Buggy of Roughan & O’Donovan, “Design and Performance of Low Capacity Roads on Peat Foundation Soils in Ireland”, will be presented to the 4th International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics (ICTG2021) next Wednesday. The paper examines four case histories, including a re-examination of the case of Cush Road on the Kildare/Offaly border documented by Prof Eamon Hanrahan for over 26 years and more modern uses of high performance geosynthetics to improve performance of low volume roads on peat soils in Ireland.

The International Conference on Transportation Geotechnics is organised every four years by ISSMGE Technical Committee on Transportation Geotechnics (TC202) and this 4th conference is hosted by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The paper will be available from the ISSMGE website after the conference.